

We advise and assist leading UK and international companies with their staffing, personnel and recruitment requirements in their in-house legal teams, be that now or for future planning purposes.

We provide ongoing expert ad-hoc advice to companies as to the state of the market, market and salary trends and conditions, likely future directions and availability at any time (be that current or within a certain timescale) of suitable high-quality lawyers who might be appropriate for a role within their legal team.

We are able to rely on extremely close contacts and networks and knowledge of the market in order to pro-actively at any point in time suggest to any company who may have an in-house legal resourcing need suitable candidates - crucially, suitable both from a qualified to do the job perspective, but also equally as crucially from a cultural immersion and ‘understanding the in-house dynamic’ perspective.

We would be delighted to provide client testimonials upon request.


We advise existing in-house lawyers as to their career options, discussing specific and even niche markets, providing guidance as to the reality of whether what they’re looking for might be achievable, when, with who, and how to go about getting it.

We advise existing Private Practice lawyers as to whether a move in-house might be suitable and achievable for them and, if so, put a collaborative career plan in place to successfully go out and make it happen.

We act as a constant and regular sounding board, providing tailored advice on as as needs basis, always from the starting point of a relationship of absolute trust and always with a view to achieving a total understanding of what a lawyer is, and isn’t, looking for.

We would be delighted to provide candidate references upon request.

Informal confidential dialogue

J Matthews Legal was established by UK Magic Circle trained and retained lawyer Jonathan Matthews.  Jonathan has been providing expert advice in the legal sector since 2002.

Jonathan is easily able to relate to companies and lawyers alike, understanding precisely what is required within a position and who might be appropriate for it. Having practised law in Private Practice, in-house, in the UK and overseas, Jonathan understands the different dynamics and requirements of each and every position.

Jonathan has an extensive range of contacts within the legal industry (in-house and also in leading UK, US and international law firms) both across the UK and throughout Europe. Jonathan is always up to date with developments within his areas of expertise.

Having been in the shoes of both hiring company (interviewing potential candidates for roles within his in-house legal team) and candidate interviewee (being approached by agencies about both relevant and non-relevant open positions and subsequently then potentially attending for interview), Jonathan has a truly unique perspective. Jonathan enjoys speaking the same language as his clients and candidates and is able to remove many of the stresses and pressures from both by adopting a pro-active and collaborative approach.

Jonathan has authored and published various articles on the transition from Private Practice to in-house and on what it takes to be a successful and effective in-house lawyer, copies of which are available upon request.

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